
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Real Life Colors

Here's one way to perceive the world

Blood Period Red
Salmonella Pink
Traffic Cone Orange
Sickly Yellow
Deep Cannabis Green
Depression blue
albino white
Deforestation Brown
Dark Magic Purple
industry gray
Gun Powder Black

bleach white
piss green
blinding white
colorless white
aged pale
Doo-doo brown
apathetic gray
racist black
racist brown
racist yellow
racist white
envious green
avarice gold
wrathful Red
slug brown
emo black

Can I have this dress in Deforestation brown?

Here's another way to perceive the world:

Romantic Red
sunshine yellow
Blush Pink
Summer Orange
lush Green
forget-me-not Blue
Pure white
Earthly Brown
vintage Gray
Midnight adventure Black

Crayola Colors
Brick Red
carnation pink
atomic tangerine
laser lemon
Blizzard Blue
Blue violet
carribean green
antique bras

Artist's colors (winsor)
Bright Red
Cadmium Scarlet
Brown Orchre
Burnt Sienna
Cadmium lemon (pale)
Cerulean Blue
cobalt green
purple madder
Blue Black
zinc white

misc food:
Raw red
wine red
carrot orange
chocolate brown
radish purple
wasabi green
seaweed green
martini blue
rice white
burnt black

I often think:
Mother's Red
salmonella pink
corn yellow
Mondrian Gray
tree green
Father's blue
anime hair purple
sleek black

pikachu yellow
spongebob yellow
flesh pink
sonic blue
patriotic red
ruby red
sapphire blue
diamond white
24 K gold
taxpaper gray

ways to say rainbow: the rainbow, the spectrum, the color wheel, colorblind rainbow, rainbow unicorn, food coloring happiness, etc etc.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

english class

how can i ignore what I just saw?
If i found a loop hole?  how could I just ignore it?
The philosophical basis of the 1st amendment protects opinions like mine.  (I was the minority opinion.) While others would like to think me ridiculous for thinking it, how could i ignore it?  I saw their side of the argument.  I even think to myself that it is right.  but it can't be completely right no matter how small it was.  If every little detail was created, the bigger picture will be easier to create.  If jumping to conclusions and "agreeing with the crowd" occurs then it doesn't matter what different opinions people may have.  It is ridiculous.  Still at the same time I believe that everything in this world is good and bad.  Yin and yang. Both sides of the argument. (or why stop at 2, let's say all arguments) are equally valid to anybody as long as it has valid reasoning behind it.  The society constructs what valid reasoning is, so what does what the individual think matter?  Also, also also.
Sure you may find some contradictions, but I am worthy of them.  I know I can be contradictory, but that does not make me wrong.  It could mean that I subconsciously see both sides of an argument.  I can see communism and capitalism as equally fair and corrupt, silly, and fat.
Yeah rambling.