
Saturday, November 5, 2016

Poems about People

Old Middle Eastern Woman
Fucking crazy landlord.
Enters the apartment without notice
Steals deposits
Gives fictitious receipt of damages

Old White Man
On an all white male board of an "Asian" cultural film society.
Who thinks the young'uns in the house aren't doing any chores whatsoever.
Suffers from perspective bias clearly.

Old Brunette Cunt
Who is a sorry excuse for a human being.
Believes in being different.
Favoriting Cunt
who can't take differing opinions from her own. 

Old White Douche
Fucking Stupid Professor
Who blames the me even though he wasn't even there.
Doesn't read the full email that isn't even long.
Asks questions answered in the email just before it.

Gossiping Resting Bitch Face woman
Boy who doesn't understand personal responsibility
"My opinion is just better than yours" fuckface piece of shit classmate
Other Failed Humans
Worthless Members of Society