
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Onision-Vegetarianism-argument against

I know he probably regrets this.  But without repercussions, a kid won't learn how to behave no matter how good and pure his ideas are and if he did learn, then he's just gonna have to live with his mistakes.  In order to be effective he has to be logical, and stop using words like "stupid", "bad", "good", and any word that is overly connotated in one direction or another.  It's because of Veggie reps like him (and PETA), that people'll turn away from try it. 

Here's what I disagree with:  
He doesn't murder anything, but he murders ants on the ground, the costs of animals to raise a society such as ours.  As a society hazard, he causes people to want to hurt other things.  He's the pinnacle of violence that perpetuates violence.  

"God" is faith.  Onision wants meat eaters to murder themselves, but this is against their own religion.  Religion can't justify anything, yet some religions sacrifice animals.  The whole purpose of his argument is to save animals.  This isn't happening, so Onision doesn't believe in freedom of religion.  He believes everyone should make the following lifestyle choices: vegetarianism and atheism.  

Also, a person can like certain animals and dislike other animals and not care for other animals.  Are we not animals?  A person who eats can like another person in society.  Therefore a person can like animals.  If you mean other animals.  This is still possible.  Some hate sharks and spiders, but they like bunnies and dogs.  The meat eater who likes bunnies and dogs and cats and birds, but don't eat any of them are just generalizing their love for animals on specific types.  

The beings who kill other beings is not even a directly related argument to the comment he is referring to.  Just because I like eating meat, doesn't mean I like eating humans.  Some species of animals eat their own types, but there are carnivorous animals that don't eat their own kind.  Dogs don't eat their own kind, but they still eat meat.  

Onision doesn't feel sorry for meat eaters losing an arm or maybe even being murdered.  Any remorse for shootings or bombings are gone from his empathy.  I think this is just something he said in rage.  Can we really take this seriously?  If we can't, then can we take his other videos seriously?  I don't think so.  If he will refute every little idea that disagrees with him, also say he changed his mind in another video, and say "Do you think I really meant that?" then how can we trust his words?  How can we as viewers hold him to his words and ideas? The answer is: we just can't!   He says things expecting the viewer to take everything he says conditionally without warning the viewer.    

Religion doesn't make a point pointless in the topic of vegetarianism because religion is a culturally/ socially implemented thing, and often times it connects to the consumption or murdering of animals.  Asking a person rudely to change on one issue is asking them to change on another sometimes.  

Vegetarianism also comes with health risks for those who start off.  It is not easy  and it can be pricey to make this lifestyle change.  Initial change will mean limited choices on menus and at parties.  Eager beavers will approach vegetarianism without caution--unbalanced.  Then, newbie vegetarians will have to get rid of preexisting meat: presumably by throwing it away, and E.B. White said wasting food is a sin.  

It is an opinion.  It really is.  Some vegetarians don't eat meat simply because they don't like it.  Their intentions just have a moral consequence of saving animals and does not make them any more saintly than the meat eater.  

Depends are you deterministic?  The cost of food is expensive.  Some people who were born poor and are subject to injustices of society ended up poor for life.  How can you expect them to buy fresh vegetables instead of fast food?  

Also, why deprive people of a pleasure in life?  According to adults it is the second most thing that gives them pleasure.  Meat is being a type of food with its own flavor is a type of pleasure.  So are drugs, yes, but eating meat is less self destructive and less addictive.  Also, you can't compare eating meat to drugs because meat eating isn't as excessive when compared to addictively taking drugs.  

"People can eat meat if they like eating meat."-- in addition to what is above, the rebuttal comment from Onision is not a good analogy because eating (cow, chicken, other bird) meats doesn't harm other humans.  Rape and Cannibalism does.  Within a human society eating non-humans is benign compared to those things.  

The alternative to walking around:  The commenter was justified. Why? --because Onision makes his claim for the animals which are "dumber" than people.  Nothing should also justify killing that bugs are also "dumber" than people.  Asians eat bugs as a snack.  This I simply don't know.  According to Onision are bugs allowed to be eaten while vegetarian?  If no, his statement crumbles to the ground.  If yes, his statement lives: there is no alternative to walking on the ground because bugs aren't animals.   Although, if he says, "yes", I won't agree because I think bugs are animals.  

Onision must also not be for cutting down trees.  How can he live in a civilization that depends on trees, water, oil, and other resources from nature.  Cutting down the nature cuts down on the homes of animals and creates pollution.  Living in civilization and thereby creating this demand for our own selfish needs indirectly murders animals either way.  

Then midway he says "meat eaters for pleasure."  Damn-it.  He should've said this earlier, so that all this tirade can be specified.  He targets pleasure seekers directly.  This means religiously eating meat and sacrificing meat is okay with him.  This means that eating meat because you are poor is okay.  

It is true though.  I have a garden and the food keeps on growing and growing back.  However, the food growth rate is slow.  My mother's water bill was skyrocketed to the point where the water board called her regarding it.  In the end, we had to kill off the garden.  Having a garden is expensive.  A community wide change is needed for a wide scale conversion to vegetarianism.  Also, there will have to be more farmers.  A community wide farm is needed for cheaper food.  This IS ideal.  Here, I presented a solution and a deeper problem whereas Onision did not.  

Onision assumed everyone has angry and murderous thoughts as they eat their chicken noodle soup.  That's excessive.  

They are opinions.  "Go fuck yourself" ,"Murder", "complain" instead of "said"  
They are not facts.  Vegetarianism is a "good" idea.  It saves animals.  What makes you think "saving" animals is a good thing.  What logic gives humans the obligation to save animals? 

Over the years the viewers continue to question the validity of his statements.  AND WHY NOT?  Freedom of speech allows you and me to have an opinion.   Youtube is a medium of opinion through comments and videos.  The market place of ideas is a fundamental philosophical basis of the 1st amendment that calls for the survival of the idea that survived rebuttals.  Complaining and whining is also protected and cannot be stopped.  Also, they might not even be intended as complaints.   It is Onision that perceives the complaints.  

I commented on one video without watching others, but why not?  A video is a stand-alone piece of media.  If it connects to something, then it should simply be longer.  Otherwise it should be listed as an episode.   

Also, eating meat is unhealthy, but it is not extremely unhealthy.  Drinking and driving, drugs, war, sugary things, and raping are worse things to do.  

Also, if you truly disagree then do what he told you:
Just press pause.  
And unsubscribe.  

Here's a way better argument: 

Oh yeah.  I think I'll write on feminism next week.

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